Read more about the article Thanksgiving
Josch13 / Pixabay


As we approach the seasonal massacre of which these magnificent birds have become perversely and paradoxically symbolic, the momentary burst of happiness granted by their calls is interrupted by the painful reminder of who these individuals are considered to be by others of my kind: bodies without souls entitled to not even the most basic of birthrights — life itself.

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Read more about the article Veganism Defined (1951)
Plamil Foods

Veganism Defined (1951)

"In a vegan world the creatures would be reintegrated within the balance and sanity of nature as she is in herself. A great and historic wrong, whose effect upon the course of evolution must have been stupendous, would be righted. The idea that his fellow creatures might be used by man for self-interested purposes would be so alien to human thought as to be almost unthinkable."

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Read more about the article The Wonder of Worms
sippakorn yamkasikorn / Unsplash

The Wonder of Worms

There's no need to contain worms in a worm box to receive the benefits of their activity. In your garden they can choose to go where they want when they want, aerating and enriching the soil as they travel, distributing nutrients throughout the garden without their natural lifecycle being disturbed.

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Read more about the article A Call to Ethical Vegetarians
Jo-Anne McArthur - We Animals Media

A Call to Ethical Vegetarians

Ethical vegetarians might not be aware that the production of milk and eggs involves both tremendous cruelty and also the deaths of billions every year. Not only are these animals killed just like those raised specifically for meat, but they are kept alive longer and subjected to a tragic lifetime of slavery, including the horrific violations that come from the brutal exploitation of their reproductive systems.

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