Read more about the article Our Partnership with Magical Creatures Sanctuary
Gentle World Hawaii

Our Partnership with Magical Creatures Sanctuary

Bella, Iolana, Naevia, Anela and Mirijam had been rescued as calves from a closing dairy, and rehomed at Magical Creatures. In 2020, to aid in the sanctuary's rescue efforts, they were brought to VeganLand, where they spent six months grazing on the abundant grass.

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Read more about the article Thanksgiving
Josch13 / Pixabay


As we approach the seasonal massacre of which these magnificent birds have become perversely and paradoxically symbolic, the momentary burst of happiness granted by their calls is interrupted by the painful reminder of who these individuals are considered to be by others of my kind: bodies without souls entitled to not even the most basic of birthrights — life itself.

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Read more about the article The Modern Animal Industry
SAMSARA food sequence / Baraka & Samsara / Vimeo.

The Modern Animal Industry

As demand for animal products increases, so does the industry’s need to find ever more competitive methods of turning live animals into neatly-wrapped packages of muscle and bone. The result? Ever-faster line speeds, ever more mechanization, and mass production like we have never yet seen.

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Read more about the article Could You Kill An Animal?
aleksandarlittlewolf / Freepik

Could You Kill An Animal?

To actively participate in the death of an animal forces people to deaden a part of themselves, with consequences that we may not even be aware of. Is it fair to place that burden on those who carry out this despicable task in order to allow the rest of us to partake of the spoils while avoiding getting our hands dirty?

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Read more about the article The Colored Entrance
WikiImages / Pixabay

The Colored Entrance

Did you stand up for the rights of the enslaved, the oppressed, the massacred? Did you withdraw your support for every single shameful service the exploitation industry provides? Did you speak up on behalf of the billions of innocent victims and plead with the rest of humanity to do the same?

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Read more about the article Don’t Tell Me What To Do
Derek Story / Unsplash

Don’t Tell Me What To Do

The following is intended to be a satire. It is an ironic look at some of the things people say when attempting to dismiss concerns about the ethics of using animals for personal gain. When these same statements are employed to defend other forms of unethical behavior, we can clearly see how absurd they really are.

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Read more about the article Something Almost Primal
Andrea Bohl / Pixabay

Something Almost Primal

It seems that the directors of the puppet show are aware that ‘primal’ is a concept that plays to the perverse desires of the lowest parts of our selves. After all, this base and brutish lust for blood has such a hold on people that we are willing to turn a blind eye to unthinkable acts of cruelty in its name.

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Read more about the article The Flu Lagoon: A Disaster Waiting To Happen
Envato Library

The Flu Lagoon: A Disaster Waiting To Happen

From 1991 to 1995, Smithfield Farms’ North Carolina operation spilled over two million gallons of pig waste into the Cape Fear River. In Virginia, Smithfield was fined $12.6 million in 1997 for 6,900 violations of the Clean Water Act. In 1994, as soon as NAFTA came into effect, Smithfield opened “Carroll Ranches” in the Mexican state of Veracruz, alleged to be the source of the Swine Flu outbreak.

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Read more about the article A Call to Ethical Vegetarians
Jo-Anne McArthur - We Animals Media

A Call to Ethical Vegetarians

Ethical vegetarians might not be aware that the production of milk and eggs involves both tremendous cruelty and also the deaths of billions every year. Not only are these animals killed just like those raised specifically for meat, but they are kept alive longer and subjected to a tragic lifetime of slavery, including the horrific violations that come from the brutal exploitation of their reproductive systems.

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