The Reasonable Man Theory
Before long, we decided to devote our lives to spreading the word about the plight of not only the so-called "food animals," but all sentient beings.
Before long, we decided to devote our lives to spreading the word about the plight of not only the so-called "food animals," but all sentient beings.
Veganism is not simply a different way of eating. It is a different way of seeing and feeling that embodies the principle of ahimsa, or reverence for life. Simply put, veganism is feeling for another’s feelings.
If they could, every animal in the world would rise up, and with one pleading voice, say to you: “What on earth are you waiting for?”
Dogs have not only been some of my best friends, but some of my greatest teachers. There is no doubt in my mind that my feeling for dogs was a significant factor in my vegan epiphany, since it was not a far leap from the eyes of my best friends to the eyes of the first cow I ever saw crying tears of sorrow.
This is the first irrefutable truth I discovered in my life; that eating and using animals is, no matter how you look at it, an act of abject cruelty. When…
Gentle World's co-founder reads aloud his piece The Rabbit Story, originally published in 1987.
The vegan concept is not a fad that will pass with time. It is a necessary shift in thinking, that will lead to a heightened empathy and concern for others.
What a boost to my self-esteem to discover that I knew something that was absolutely right; something that no one, no matter their station in life, could convince me was wrong.
Terms such as free-range, grass-fed, and humanely-raised have not only taken over the dialogue around the animal use debate, but have come to symbolize “it's okay – you can eat me now.”