My vegan family!
You guys transformed me into a person I am proud to be. I see life differently. I have noticed that I pay attention to the little things. My life in California was different. I wanted to help everyone and sometimes I would get overwhelmed, but now I have the perfect answer. Vegan will be the new me. Every single one of you will always be remembered because each one of you taught me something I will never forget. Thank you ALL for making me BRIGHTER!!!
Rosy Cruz
I can’t tell you how thankful I am for you letting me and Rosy stay here at Gentle World. I feel like such a better person for knowing each and every one of you guys. You are all amazing! I had such a great time here, the food was great and the company was even greater. I will definitely leave here with a better view on how to live my life the way I want to. This past week will never be forgotten and I hope to take what I’ve learned here and teach people who are unknown to this lifestyle.
Thank you for helping me to be the highest person I can be. Vegan is who I am, it’s who we all are. Thank you for reconnecting me to the animals and to this lifestyle. I have learned a lot in five short days just by watching how you all live. I truly think the world is changing and its been unreal to meet people who pioneered the movement. Thank you.
Ivy Teglia
What can I say? Thank you for your hospitality, your warmth, your humor, and your SANITY! Such a breath of fresh air in an insane culture. I may have been here for 24 hours, but I’ve been profoundly affected by all of the beautiful people here. I leave GW full to bursting with confidence and hope. I’ll be back sometime, sooner than later. Thank you all so much!!
Kyle Overlan
Dear fellow Gentle World vegans… My few days here were too short. Staying here was a very powerful and momentous experience for me. Everyone was so nice and welcoming, and I’m very sad to leave. If I write a harp concerto I’ll send it to you!
Dear Gentle World Giants,
Thank you and mahalo for accepting me into your home. I admire each and every one of you for your kindness, genius, “common” sense, strengths, positivity and the work ethic and shared laughter and love. I feel like you are family. I’m grateful to have met the people who have been an enormous influence for a peaceful, vegan world. I’ve learned a lot about organizing for a larger community of vegans; from composting and rainwater use, to “tickling the soil” to weed in the gardens and the use of bokashi and spirulina as fertilizer. From drinking coconut water to the wonderfully satisfying deeper conversations…
Trying not to cry because I don’t want to leave, but new adventures await us both, and I know we were meant to meet. May we create a Garden of Eden and inspire towards cooperation, mutual respect of wisdom and strengths and abilities. May we have many Vegan villages, and add to the intentional community here, unlike any place else in the world.
Aeria/Karen Call
To my beautiful Gentle World family,
Words could never truly express what this experience with you all means to me. For years I have been dreaming of living with my people; people who are living their truths with conviction and compassion. It’s an amazing thing that that dream has led me here, a place better than one I could have imagined – a place bursting with love, wisdom and freedom.
Here, I have found presence, I have found unstoppable laughter, I have felt immense love. I cherish my moments with you all, the hugs, the conscious conversations, the sarcastic banter, the improv harp concert, and so much more. I cannot thank you enough for creating and cultivating such a magical place; a sanctuary of truth, a place to overcome modern fears, an oasis of hope for the world. I leave today with incredible gratitude and sadness.
I’m a new person now. I’m leaving as Sunrise, a hopeful, joyful vegan with clarity and confidence. Thank you for reminding me of what is sane and reminding me of who I really am. Alignment is something I have been striving towards – going vegan, eating organic, going zero waste, but here, that striving has turned into being. Here it is effortless to live in alignment and to enjoy life as free and sovereign souls.
I will wear my “Joyful Vegan” shirt with pride and I will share my stories from Gentle World with those in my life. My life is enhanced having come here and the world, too, is enhanced, for your existing. Gentle World has made me feel at home — a warm safety I have been seeking. Thank you for loving me so fully, for teaching me lifelong lessons and for being unwavering about your mission. I’m infinitely inspired by you all.