Spoonk: Balance in the Midst of Chaos

Spoonk products are made with intention, using non-synthetic dyes, and a plant based “eco-foam.” The external fabric is made from sustainable materials like hemp, which is carbon-negative. In a world where health and environmental concerns are of little importance to companies, Spoonk’s leaders are clearly striving to be responsible global citizens.

As many before me, I was uncertain as I nervously unfurled my new Spoonk mat onto the bed.  Staring at its pokey talons, I apprehensively brushed my fingers across the spikey doom I feared awaited me! I read the instruction manual and gasped at the recommendation that I lay down on the mat for a whole 30-40 minutes! Convinced that I would surely last a whole 30 seconds at best, I challenged myself to a 1-minute trial.  

As I laid down, I held my breath and winced, expecting pain that surprisingly never arrived. Admittedly, the pressure on my back felt intense at first; however, the longer I sat with the sensation, the more I realized it was unfamiliar rather than painful. One minute quickly passed and I realized I could easily do one more. Another five passed and I was out like a light! I woke up 30 minutes later wondering what in the world had happened? I removed the mat, went to sleep, and had the best night’s sleep I’ve had in recent memory…hands down.

Over the past month, I’ve gone through a move, back-to-back cross country travel, and a major career change. Through all of this, my Spoonk mat has helped me find balance in the midst of chaos and, most importantly, it has gifted me the deepest and most restful sleep I can remember having in my adult life. 30 minutes on the Spoonk mat before bed have done wonders for my waking hours.

I recommend complementing your Spoonk mat with the Spoonk groove ball. After just five minutes of rolling the groove ball on the sole of your foot, you can feel an almost immediate relaxation effect. The ball is small enough to fit in a pocket or purse and comes with a reflexology foot diagram that shows which pressure points are associated with various organs all over your body. It’s a great stress management tool and requires a very small time commitment in order to feel a meaningful effect.

It’s also worth noting that Spoonk makes its products with intention. Spoonk uses non-synthetic dyes, which means they avoid the petroleum-based, carcinogenic chemicals that harm factory workers, pollute our waterways, and cause allergies and respiratory ailments to consumers. The mat itself is made using eco-foam, which is plant based and does not off-gas. The mat’s external fabric is Global Organic Textile Standard certified and the internal mat is made from sustainable materials like hemp, which is carbon-negative. In a world where health and environmental concerns are of little importance to companies, Spoonk’s leaders are clearly striving to be responsible global citizens.


Gentle World has an affiliate account with Spoonkspace, and we encourage our readers to visit their site via our referral link, so that a portion of the proceeds from your order will go toward helping to keep this site up and running.



© Gentle World 2025. Gentle World is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) educational organization, helping to build a more peaceful society by educating the public about the reasons for being vegan, the benefits of vegan living, and how to go about making the transition. EIN: 59-1999433