My Biggest Wish in Life

written by Bianca Zvorc Morris

My journey into my love and fight for other animals started even before I was born, in a small town called Murska Sobota, Slovenia. For some reason, when my mom became pregnant with me, eating meat made her sick. Despite doctors being upset with her, she ignored them.

When I was old enough to eat foods beside her breast milk, she tried giving me liver (the pediatrician was telling her that I would become anemic). I kept spitting the meat out and she gave up on me.

At age one, I became vegetarian by my own wish. I refused to eat meat in school even though it meant being yelled at by kitchen staff and teachers, and constantly teased by other students. Life was hard, but I could not stand the smell of meat; foul, rotten, and dead.

When I was eight, I found a dog in a garbage can. He was the most perfect being on this planet, and he became my best friend who loved me unconditionally. At age 14, I started working at a local animal shelter and became obsessed with saving animals. At age 16, somebody gave me a book that helped me decide to stop being part of the massive murder of innocent helpless beings: other animals, my best friends. I became vegan.

I fell into temptation when I met my husband who was a meat and egg eater just to be “big” and athletic. I tried cheese and butter, but threw up a few hours later. Instead of trying to be more like him (and others), I told him the truth about animal slavery and begged him not to be a part of it. I sent him videos and articles. It was a year of transitioning, but he is now a super athletic and passionate vegan.

Humans are animals who need to learn how to live in tune with nature and other earthlings. We occupy this planet, destroying and killing; including our own surroundings. Consuming and abusing other earthlings is wrong and makes absolutely no sense; it is insane.

My biggest wish in life is to see a vegan world before I die. The breeding of animals would be illegal globally. Animals would have freedom and the right to live and love their families. Then I could be truly proud of being a part of the human species.

I will be vegan for the rest of my life because it is the only right thing to do.




© Gentle World 2025. Gentle World is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) educational organization, helping to build a more peaceful society by educating the public about the reasons for being vegan, the benefits of vegan living, and how to go about making the transition. EIN: 59-1999433