More From Our Visitors

As we say goodbye to September, it somehow seems as though the end of the year is right around the corner. This past season at our Hawaii location has been a wonderful time for visitors and volunteers.

Thankfully, one of our new friends gave us a beautiful gift of a hand-made guest-book to help us remember the thoughts and impressions of those who pass through our Hawaii center.

Here are some of the recent highlights:

I am so glad that the world brought me here. It has been such an amazing time. I really enjoyed learning from all of you. Everyone of you has so much wisdom and you are incredible people. Before coming here I thought I knew what being Vegan was but I really did not have the slightest clue. You showed me that it is much more than what you eat but it’s also a beautiful, harmonious way of life. 
~ Glade

I can’t thank you enough for having me at your beautiful sanctuary. You guys have changed my outlook on life as a whole. I hope to someday have a sanctuary as amazing as Gentle World. Thank you again for spreading Veganism.
~ Harvest

We are so grateful to you for opening your home up to us. You have opened our lives to a new reality that we are now able to see and explore further. I am very excited about taking things I have learned here and sharing than with my friends and peers back home. Thank you so much. 
~ Carly and Natalie

Thank you all for giving me the chance to volunteer here. I hope one day that the schools will be like this and kids can learn more about life. I’ve had no meat or animal products in a week and I don’t miss them. I will continue to be vegan, not just for health. It’s for life.
~ Daniel

I want to say thank you to every single one of you… You have changed my life forever. You helped me open my eyes and find the truth I think I needed. You are all truly beautiful people, the way you live is equally beautiful. As a whole you are the kindest most gentle, warm hearted people I have ever come across. You will always have a place in my heart!
~ Taylor

Thank you all so much for the knowledge and wisdom that you have passed on to me. Living a vegan lifestyle will be much easier for me now. I appreciate the hospitality and intellectual conversations, and of course the amazing food. 
~ Nature

Dear Vegan Family… The six of you plus the pup and bunny literally changed my life. You have helped me see the truth. You are all truly special and will forever be very close to my heart. 
~ Autumn

I feel like I’ve learned far more from you than I would have expected. I learned so much about the love we carry in us: for other people, for animals and for ourselves. I learned about appreciating the world we live in and I feel so much better now than when I got here. You guys helped me grow in a way that I never expected. Thank you so much for understanding where I am at, accepting me for who I was and helping me to develop. Thank you for making me feel welcome and letting me be part of your community. I am thankful for every day I spent here and I am positive about coming back one day, to fully experience this place. Until then, I wish you all the best!
~ Leonie

I feel so blessed to have stayed here, to know what the Vegan life is, and to meet these wonderful people!! I’ll never forget what you have all done for me and the things you have said.
~ Nahoko

Thank you first for opening your home and community to us. We were immediately aware that this was unlike any place we would probably ever visit. Over our stay here, we realized how true that was. While I was a Vegan before my arrival, I feel reborn and reeducated and more devoted than ever to spread the truth.
~ Sarah

Thank you for sharing this world with us and allowing us to live amongst this beautiful community! A week just isn’t long enough, yet my life will be changed forever! I will always remember your kind words of wisdom and encouragement, your kindess and cooking tips, your warm and helpful attitudes, your encouragement, and your positivity! I can’t tell you how much I’ve learned from you and I can’t say thank you for everything enough! See you next time in Shangri-La!
~ Forrest



© Gentle World 2025. Gentle World is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) educational organization, helping to build a more peaceful society by educating the public about the reasons for being vegan, the benefits of vegan living, and how to go about making the transition. EIN: 59-1999433