For the past 40 years, Gentle World’s educational outreach has inspired countless individuals to embrace a vegan way of life. As well as providing seminars, private instruction, and classes at our two visitor centers, our team provides high-quality vegan education to audiences around the world through our website and online outreach.

Throughout our history, Gentle World has been an unwavering voice for veganism, inspiring people from all over the world and from all walks of life to embrace vegan living as the way forward into a more peaceful, healthy, and prosperous future. Now in our fifth decade of public service, we continue to offer a perspective that is both original and compelling.

The Gentle World website has provided countless hours of high-quality vegan education to audiences all around the world who want to understand and engage with veganism, providing information and inspiration on topics ranging from being a vegan consumer, to food preparation and growing one’s own garden.

Gentle World’s education has been instrumental in engaging individuals around the globe in a movement toward a more wholesome way of life, from learning about proper nutrition and how to enjoy healthy food, to advocating for veganism not just as a diet, but as a critical stand for social justice.

Our organization is entirely volunteer-run, and our programs are always free to the public. Donations help us with the costs associated with maintaining our demonstration garden, and the other aspects of hosting visitors at our centers.

We are also in the process of expanding the reach of our online educational programs, and donations will help us reach a wider audience. We greatly appreciate any and all assistance toward continuing our online and in-person opportunities.