Despite the concerns many people have about vegan living being complicated and foreign, it's actually a lot more simple and familiar than most would think.
For an instant energy boost that is long lasting, yet light on the digestion, frozen bananas are fantastic for smoothies, snacks and even raw vegan desserts.
It seems to be a golden period for those looking to make the transition to veganism, as we are witnessing a substantial transformation taking place in the consumer products industry.
There are many vegan alternatives to honey available, some of which you can even make yourself. It’s worth experimenting to find out which alternative is your favorite!
From soy to tapioca, to almond, macadamia and hazelnut, vegan cheeses are all very different to each other, so don’t be fooled into believing that you’re out of options just because a particular brand doesn’t quite work for you.
Cashew fruit is a by-product of the cashew nut industry and the folks at Caju Love are upcycling it by turning this unwanted waste product into their amazing plant meat that is free from gluten and soy and is also organic!
Monk fruit, a.k.a. Luo han guo, is a relatively new addition to the American food scene, receiving its GRAS status (generally recognized as safe) in 2010. Most people find the taste pleasant and closer to sugar than other natural alternatives, which may explain monk fruit’s surge in popularity.
Those new to miso may not immediately recognize the value in a fermented soybean paste. But if you give it a try, the flavor, versatility and health benefits of miso are bound to win you over.
Nutritional yeast is used frequently in many recipes, and makes a great condiment and seasoning, as it adds a delightfully ’savory’ flavor to everything from pasta and tofu to toast and popcorn.
Seitan or Wheat-Meat (made from wheat gluten flour) is one of the best meat substitutes for flavor absorption as well as texture. High in protein and low in fat, seitan (when properly prepared) will win over the meat-oholics in your life, from kids to grown-ups.
Whole grains are an excellent source of B vitamins, fiber and protein, and they're fantastic staples in a vegan pantry. But each one calls for a slightly different method of preparation.
If you've ever bought tahini for a special recipe, you may still have the rest of the jar sitting in your fridge or on the shelf. But tahini is not a seed butter to be ignored.
One of the myths about the vegan lifestyle is that it’s too expensive for the average or low-income family. Perhaps this is because many people relate the term ‘vegan’ or a plant-based diet to prepared vegan convenience foods.
While some vegan milks (such as soy) have a flavor similar to cow’s milk, others (like coconut and hazelnut) offer a new perspective on how tasty plant-based milks can be.
Kale is a dark leafy green with a lot more to it than your average vegetable. It's easy to grow, full of health benefits, and simple to use in recipes!
Nowadays, most stores have a “health food” or “organic” section, but thinking you can simply pick up the first chocolate bar marked “fair-trade,” and walk away with a clean conscience, isn’t the case.