A Gentle World in my Heart

Aloha Lovely Gentle Worlders… You were all so wonderful and my time at the farm was great. I LOVE my new cookbook and share it with anyone who is interested. I am happily cooking for hostels everywhere with the great recipes…

We recently received this very inspiring letter from someone who visited us here in Hawaii a few weeks ago. We all agreed it was worth sharing…

Aloha Lovely Gentleworlders,

You were all so wonderful and my time at the farm was great. I LOVE my new cookbook and share it with anyone who is interested. I am happily cooking for hostels everywhere with the great recipes.

I worked at another wwoofing spot but they were not really vegan and I didn’t want to do the eggs. Yes, the chickens were free-range but they really do get annoyed when you take their eggs. I am turned off eggs completely.

I made a version of your chocolate icecream (Yup, I bought an icecream maker — a treat for staying vegan) which was throughly enjoyed by my new hostel mates. I cooked them ‘mac and cheese’ and veggie burgers and made a few converts.

Weird, but I have lost all taste for cheese and don’t miss it as much as I thought I would.

Yes I feel fantastic… I had a manta ray nuzzle me. I have been nuzzled by mantas… Aha, I am doing the right thing… Approved by the UNIVERSE… vegan me… yeah

Once again thanks for everything. I will forever have a gentle world in my heart, thanks to you.

Nobody washes my clothes and demonstrates knowledge as well as Light…
Has the biggest loving heart and gentle wisdom as Sun…
The sense of humour and loving kindness and ability to fix cell phone and other technical issues like Sky…
The organizational and cooking skills of Summer…
The gentle healing harmonizing energy and conviction in veganism of Angel…
The veggie growing dynamic awesome cooking and glowing energy and abilities of Meadow…
The fantastic icecream and growing of baby lettuces of Birds…
Evan for his old soul… Autumn for her laughs and joy.

May you ALL be blessed.



© Gentle World 2025. Gentle World is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) educational organization, helping to build a more peaceful society by educating the public about the reasons for being vegan, the benefits of vegan living, and how to go about making the transition. EIN: 59-1999433