Our June Visitors

After COVID restrictions brought a serious decline in visiting volunteers, we’re finally receiving inquiries again from an increasing number of people wanting to experience Gentle World.

Summer is here, visitors are returning to Hawaii, and the Gentle World visitor program is back on a roll!

After COVID restrictions brought a serious decline in visiting volunteers, we’re finally receiving inquiries again from an increasing number of people.

This past month brought us three wonderful volunteers, each of whom left our North Kohala center with a new way of seeing:

Thank you for hosting me and allowing me to dive into your wonderland. I’m more than grateful that I have met you all. You taught me how to live in the moment, be selfless, expand my consciousness, and most important, how to be GENTLE. I will truly miss you. 

You all can be really proud of how big your impact is. In just a short time, you opened my eyes. I see things differently now, in a clearer way. I wish everyone could experience your kindness. The world would be a better place. 

~ Paul (Austria)

Thank you all for teaching me so much. I admire you all for continuing to be passionate about veganism for so long. Your impact is massive. 

In just that one visit, I became a more gentle person. For the first time, I realized that veganism is more than just not eating animals. I understand better how to be a more compassionate person, and I know that I will have a more full life if I have compassion in my heart. 

I can’t wait to share everything I have learned here with my friends and family. Thank you for opening my mind wider than I ever thought possible.  

~ Jessica (United States)

The time I spent here has been magical. The emotions I’ve felt have helped me take more steps forward and I want to sincerely THANK YOU, ALL of you, for helping me realize lots of things. 

Being vegan really helps people reach higher levels, and opens their minds to all sorts of things. Your stories, lessons and actions are the reason so many people want to pay it forward. You have hope, and I have hope that this world will get better. I’m so excited to continue this life now. I can’t thank you enough for welcoming me to your center. I enjoyed every second. 

~ Julia (United States)



© Gentle World 2025. Gentle World is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) educational organization, helping to build a more peaceful society by educating the public about the reasons for being vegan, the benefits of vegan living, and how to go about making the transition. EIN: 59-1999433